About us

how it all started

Since the beginning of the 90s Edition Gollong has been producing cards. Founded by Brigitte Gollong the company began in the early stages solely producing the works of modern artists.

build-up and development

Our constant development of an ambitious program for the selected, established and specialist wholesaler, combined with the intensive contact to our artists, quickly earned us a good reputation within the industry. With the artist Cilia de Munnik came our first stroke of luck; reception of these new designs was extremely promising both in Germany and abroad. Emboldened by this large interest in our collection we have since then continually extended our program further with new artists, designers and photographers.

our philosophy

Due to the increasing positive feedback from our international clients we can be sure our ideas and designs are well received/ do well. Having wholesalers helping us keep a great presence in German-speaking foreign countries, we can additionally be proud to have allegiant clients in Benelux, France, Scandinavia, Great Britain, Italy, Portugal, Hungary, Iceland, Canada, New Zealand, Australia and Japan.

With their creativity and quality, nameable illustrators and photographers contribute to keep the unique feature of our products, so we are always supported to turn innovative ideas in high quality greeting cards. Furthermore our highly motivated printers in Germany as well as in whole Europa help us guarantee this reliable quality, we always keep on a high level.


With Brigitte’s two daughters Melanie Gollong and Aika Gollong-Knecht joining the family business in the late 90s, over the years an impressive and convincing collection has been developed which through its variety and quality really stands out from the rest. Transferring the company management to both daughters, we assure our ongoing in the future

We want to continue fulfilling our high expectations in the future and therefore our program is distributed exclusively through wholesalers whom specialize in the greetings card industry.

New ideas await you!

The Team

Melanie Gollong
Melanie Gollong

Managing Director

Aika Susanne Gollong-Knecht
Aika Susanne Gollong-Knecht

Managing Director

Brigitte Gollong
Brigitte Gollong

Creative Director

Werner Gollong
Werner Gollong

In loving memory

Volker Knecht
Volker Knecht

Organisation, Accounting department

Bettina Wütherich
Bettina Wütherich

Customer care national / international

Petra Riegg
Petra Riegg

Graphic & Design

Karin Ledermann
Karin Ledermann

Accounting department

Elke Seyb
Elke Seyb

Order Processing

Sandy Schulze
Sandy Schulze

Order Processing

Karin Gebert
Karin Gebert

Order Processing

Ulrike Berkmann
Ulrike Berkmann

Order Processing

Carmen Caliskan
Carmen Caliskan

Order Processing

Sibylle Tasözü
Sibylle Tasözü

Order Processing
